Garner's Marsh Grass
Garner's takes pride in being one of the few suppliers of native marsh grasses: Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass) and Spartina patens (salt meadow cordgrass or saltmarsh hay), providing our unique coastal area with a vital resource to renourish our delicate coastlines. We often supply local advocacy groups and government entities concerned with shoreline restoration and preservation.
Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass)
Smooth cordgrass is a unique plant species that naturally resides throughout the entire marsh platform, especially all along the shoreline of tidal creeks. It provides significant erosion protection to shorelines, canal banks, and other coastal wetland areas. It is also used as a soil stabilizer on tidal mudflats, dredge-fill sites, and other areas with loose soils during marsh restoration. When planted along shorelines, it acts as a buffer to dissipate wave energy, reduce shoreline scouring, and trap suspended sediments to control erosion and aid in shore building. Additionally, it produces significant amounts of organic matter. Smooth cordgrass is a sustainable and renewable resource for restoration, and when properly established in the right habitat, it can remain effective indefinitely.
Smooth cordgrass is a unique plant species that naturally resides throughout the entire marsh platform, especially all along the shoreline of tidal creeks. It provides significant erosion protection to shorelines, canal banks, and other coastal wetland areas. It is also used as a soil stabilizer on tidal mudflats, dredge-fill sites, and other areas with loose soils during marsh restoration. When planted along shorelines, it acts as a buffer to dissipate wave energy, reduce shoreline scouring, and trap suspended sediments to control erosion and aid in shore building. Additionally, it produces significant amounts of organic matter. Smooth cordgrass is a sustainable and renewable resource for restoration, and when properly established in the right habitat, it can remain effective indefinitely.
Spartina patens (saltmeadow cordgrass)
Saltmeadow cordgrass is a dominant species in the salt marsh zone located on the seaward side of the high-water line. It thrives in brackish or salt marshes, coastal beaches, marshes, and wetlands. Saltmeadow cordgrass can be used in estuarine and marsh habitat restoration, shoreline protection, and dune stabilization and restoration projects. It has been proven effective in inhibiting the spread of the aggressive noxious weed Phragmites australis, and it even helps remediate marshes affected by oil spills. Additionally, it provides food and cover for wildlife, and has been cut and dried as salt hay for livestock.
Saltmeadow cordgrass is a dominant species in the salt marsh zone located on the seaward side of the high-water line. It thrives in brackish or salt marshes, coastal beaches, marshes, and wetlands. Saltmeadow cordgrass can be used in estuarine and marsh habitat restoration, shoreline protection, and dune stabilization and restoration projects. It has been proven effective in inhibiting the spread of the aggressive noxious weed Phragmites australis, and it even helps remediate marshes affected by oil spills. Additionally, it provides food and cover for wildlife, and has been cut and dried as salt hay for livestock.
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